Recent Results

August 31, 2022

We have a few results to publish albeit a bit late due to the new website being worked on. Of course you can always check the clubs and your own swimmers statistical results right here on the website under the "results" section but here are some of the notable highlights.

Northern / Interior Divisional Championships

Representing the Marlins at the meet were Jacob Van Horne, Dallas Gray and Wynn Runka.

Jacob Van Horne came away with 4 podium performances including Gold in the Boys 13-14 100 Free setting a club record in the process with a :57.86. He also set a club record in the 50 free with a :26.57 placing 2nd. A reminder that the club records are a work in process but I am fairly certain that these two will stand.

Also making her first final with a big break through in the 100 back was Wynn Runka. Placing 7th in the 13-14 Girls category she ended dropping 7 seconds overall for the event. Fantastic.

Provincial Championships

Jacob was our lone qualifier for the Provincial Champs. It is a pretty big step these days as the qualifying standards are quite tough almost comparable to Age Group Nationals so it was definitely a learning experience. One of the other challenges of being a club so far up north is not having many opportunities to swim long course so again its a steep learning curve.He was able to step up though in one of his main events the 50 breast with a 4th place overall and a new club record of :32.23. He also made the final in the 100 Breast placing 7th with another new club record of 1:14.77. Nice work here.

BC Summer Games

Again we had Jacob representing us at the BC Summer Games. With a casual and low pressure environment it is a good way to introduce up and coming swimmers to a "games" situation. Swimming to his best times of the season he came away with 2 Gold medals and 2 new club records in the 50 and 100 Breast respectively. His 2 new club records of :31.53 and 1:09.91 are respectable times and a solid finish to his season.