The Prince George Barracuda Dental Moose Meet

Start date Apr 28, 2023
End date Apr 30, 2023
Declaration open Apr 13, 2023 4:00 AM
Declaration deadline Apr 19, 2023 8:00 PM

The Prince George Barracuda Dental Moose Meet on April 28-30th is fast approaching! This event is for swimmers in Bronze,  Silver and Gold. All swimmers in these groups are encouraged to attend. This is a great opportunity for swimmers to attend a bigger meet in a beautiful 8 lane facility. 

We need all swimmers who intend to participate to declare as soon as possible and no later than April 17th at 6:00pm. There are time standards to swim certain events and the entry fees are higher than in our regional meets. Please see the meet package. There will also be a $50 out of region travel fee. 

The coaches will be selecting your events. Please talk to your coach if you have any concerns or questions. 

Our member at large, Mia, has arranged for a team dinner at Red Robin on Saturday the 27th and has also reserved a block of rooms at a discounted rate. Details are forthcoming. Please watch your email for more information. 

We are all looking forward to this great event!

Go Marlins!
