Code of Conduct
As a member of the Kitimat Marlin Swim Club (KMSC), I am part of a swimming organization that believes teamwork, integrity, respect and good sportsmanship are more important than winning. By signing this Code of Conduct, I agree to follow the rules for behavior and sportsmanship while I am a member of KMSC. The following behavior guidelines state the principles KMSC expects all members to demonstrate and uphold. KMSC is fortunate to have experienced, professional coaches working to develop our children into better swimmers, and more importantly, teaching and instilling important life skills. These skills include time-management, self-discipline, and sportsmanship. Your child will reap the benefits of swimming long after his/her participation with KMSC ends. As parents, it is essential that we give our coaching staff the respect and authority they deserve to run our swim team. Our coaches are hired for that purpose and the Head Coach oversees the direction of the staff.
The undersigned parent with an athlete participating with/for the Kitimat Marlin Swim Club agrees to abide by the guidelines outlined below:
1. Show respect and common courtesies at all times to the team members, coaches, competitors, officials, parents, and for all facilities and other property used during practice or competition.
2. Promote good sportsmanship by avoiding open criticisms of coaches, officials or swimmers with other members or non-members. Bring your concerns to those who can directly help solve your issue at the appropriate time.
3. Parents are expected to sign-up and declare their swimmer for competitions and other team events via the website by the due date outlined. Failure to do so will mean your swimmer will not be allowed to participate in that particular event.
4. Please follow the chain of command when brining up concerns with your coach first and allow a chance for positive growth. If your issue still isn’t solved to your satisfaction then bring it to a board member.
5. Please do not interrupt coaches during practices by talking to them or talking to your swimmer. If you wish to speak with a coach then please email them and set up an appointment.
6. Please make sure your swimmer arrives on time for practices or competitions and has all the necessary equipment or team gear designated for their group.
7. Please respect judges decisions if your swimmer is disqualified at a competition and allow the coach to handle the issues with the officials.
8. Participate in fundraising activities and assist the club by volunteering in team events such as our hosted swim competition.
9. Pay your fees on time.
10. Know and uphold KMSC rules, regulations, directives and by-laws.
The undersigned athlete participating with/for the Kitimat Marlin Swim Club agrees to abide by the guidelines outlined below in addition to those established by the Board:
1. Swimmers are expected to be positive representatives of KMSC at practices, competitions and other team activities demonstrating good sportsmanship and respect towards others and the facilities.
2. Swimmers are expected to show up on time ready to go at practices and competitions with all the necessary equipment and team gear.
3. Swimmers are to refrain from the use of vulgar language / gestures and show courtesy and respect towards their teammates, officials and coaches.
4. There is to be no bullying or harassment of other members such as fighting, verbal abuse, intimidation and other inappropriate behaviors.
5. There is to be no destruction or vandalism of any kind at our home facility or at competitions.
6. The use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other such substances is strictly prohibited.
7. Swimmers are expected to stop talking and listen when the coach is talking and giving instructions. Consistent disruption of the coach or other swimmers is grounds for removal from practices.
8. Swimmers are expected to notify their coach in advance if they have to leave practices or competitions early or will be coming late.
9. Swimmers as they get older and move through the program are expected to take more personal responsibility for their performances, equipment, attitudes and behaviors.
The coaches have the authority to impose the following penalties for violation of the Kitimat Marlin Swim Club Code of Conduct. The penalties include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. The swimmer will be given a verbal warning and parents will be notified.
2. The swimmer will be pulled out of practice in addition to a verbal warning and the Team Manager will contact the parent/guardian. Depending on the severity of the incident the Team Manager may set up a meeting with the Parent/Guardian, Team Manager and Board Member.
3. The swimmer will need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian at practice for four (4) consecutive days if and when they are allowed to return to regular practices.
4. If the swimmer continues his/her bad behavior, he/she will be suspended for one (1) week (There will be NO prorated fee for monthly dues). If the swimmer’s disciplinary problem continues, the swimmer and parent will meet with the Coach, Team Manager and President to discuss the problem further.
5. If the incident continues the incident and actions will be taken to the Board of Directors for discussion.
I agree that if I violate any of these rules, I will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the coaches, which may include expulsion from the team.
By placing your name below you agree that you have reviewed the Kitimat Marlin Swim Club, Code of Conduct with the registered athlete and the athlete understands the Kitimat Marlin Swim Club, Code of Conduct and that you (the parent/guardian) and the swimmer agree to abide by this Code and accept the penalties for not abiding by these.